EP’s Diva: From Scraps to Splendor

“What I like to think, and perhaps it is an adolescent thought, is that anything can happen. As long as you think that anything can happen, it will. We’re all allowed to have our dreams.” ~ Anjelica Huston
Like an exotic bird in a rainbow of flora, she’s perched in a sea of color that fails to camouflage her own beauty. Proprietress, Elke Peschkles’s ebony bob with bangs, alert doe-eyes and regal demeanor make it easy to imagine her as doppelgänger to a young Anjelica Hutson. The owner of EP’s Diva Clothing Boutique has created a private magical universe filled with boas, chapeaus, chandeliers, silks, and jewels. Not unlike the owner, the clothing are colorful, unique, one-of-a-kind and custom-made by a local tailor.
Mrs. Peschkles finds remnants of fabric pieces, leftover scraps from haute couture designers like Dior, Prada and Givenchy and resurrects them…and by doing so, allows patrons to enter a world blanketed with vibrancy and vitality the possibility to leave – draped in enchantment and beauty (at a fraction of the cost). Elke Peschkles is the Goddess of her universe, breathing life into discarded fabrics and coaxing the spirit of those who enter to not simply fly, but soar.
Address: Grabenstraße 6, 65183 Wiesbaden